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"See You On The Other Side" 48" x 48" x 2" Mixed Media Collage on birch board. Original *SOLD.  Vintage nursery Rhymes, the legend of Hercules, Charolette's Web, Marvel comix, ink. Prints Available Please contact me :)
"See You On The Other Side" 48" x 48" x 2" Mixed Media Collage on birch board. Original *SOLD. Vintage nursery Rhymes, the legend of Hercules, Charolette's Web, Marvel comix, ink. Prints Available Please contact me :)

I designed this piece in such a way that when viewed from a distance, it’s a calm picture of a child at the beach.  As the viewer gets closer, more details are discovered.... And the viewer is then drawn nearer and nearer in order to read and recognize all the hidden messages and whimsy ;)


Inspiration for this piece: 


I saw a photo taken by a woman who had learned of and accepted her own impending demise...  She was a very beloved and respected artist who I never had the honor of meeting...I saw a photo she shot of what may have been her last trip to the beach with her grandson.

In this photo I saw the boy looking across the limitless ocean of possibility filled with the raucous parade of magic imagery a young boy might envision.  I felt the grandmother’s deep and infinite love for him and for the wonder life has in store for him...love that has no boundaries in life, or death, or time. 

I heard her say to him, “I’ll see you on the other side.”

This work is a love offering to both of them, and to their families even though we never met.  The time spent on this piece was so sweet.  I hope it translates.